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  1. Sevvana, M., et al., Structures of Mature Zika Virus and its Complex with a Potent Virus-Specific Antibody. Purdue Cryo-EM symposium, Purdue Univeristy, 2018.

  2. Sevvana, M., et al., Refinement and analysis of Zika virus structure at 3.1A resolution. 6th Pan-American Dengue Research Network Meeting, Galveston, TX, USA, 2018.

  3. Marschall, M., Sticht, H., Sonntag, E., Walzer, S., Sevvana, M., et al., Egerer-Sieber, C., Socher, E., Lamm, C., Sonnewald, U., Bahsi, H., Steingruber, M., Hutterer, C., Lischka, P., Muller, Y., Milbradt, J. Novel clues in anti-cytomegalovirus drug targeting based on phosphorylation-triggered nuclear host cell egress. Congress congenital CMV, ECCI 2016.

  4. Sevvana, M., Goeke, D., Goetz, C., Gruess, F., Hillen, W., Muller, Y. Novel agonists and antagonists question molecular recognition and information transmission in TetR. European Crystallography Meeting at Darmstadt, Germany, 2010.

  5. Sevvana, M., Muller, YA. Unravelling Information Transmission Pathways in Tetracycline Repressor. DGK Meeting, Erlangen, Germany, 2008.

  6.  Sevvana, M., Ma, Q., Barnewitz, K., Guo, C., Söling, H. -D., Ferrari, D. M and Sheldrick, G. M. Structural and functional analysis of PDI-related proteins. (2005). Acta Cryst . A61, C250. Poster at XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, 2005.

  7. Dix, I., Sevvana, M., Bunkoczi, G., Debreczeni, J and Sheldrick, G. M. The EU BIOXHIT standard test crystal. (2005). Acta Cryst . A61, C147. XX Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, Florence, 2005.

  8. Sevvana, M., Herbst-Irmer, R and Sheldrick, G. M. Solving non-merohedrally twinned crystals using single wavelength anomalous scattering. 37th  course of International school of Crystallography at Erice, Sicily, 2005.



  1. Sevvana, M. 3D structures and human diseases. A high resolution picture of underlying pathological and molecular mechanisms. Virology institute, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, 2015.

  2. Sevvana, M. Structures of human and mouse apoM - serendipitous fatty acid in the binding pocket and refolding gone wrong. 12th  HEC-Biocrystallography meeting, Czech Republic, 2009.

  3. Sevvana, M. An orthogonal and not inverse mechanism is responsible for the phenotype switch in reverse TetR. 10th  HEC-Biocrystallography meeting, Poland, 2007.

  4. Sevvana, M. Data Processing, Structure-Solution and Refinement of non-merohedrally twinned macromolecular crystals. HEC-Biocrystallography meeting, Teistungenburg, Germany, 2006.

  5. Sevvana, M. Examples of non-merohedral twins. SHELX/MAXINF Workshop, Göttingen, Germany, 2006.

  6.  Sevvana, M. Towards a novel covalent DNA-Intercalator from the structure of antimetabolite. 6th  HEC-Biocrystallography meeting at Wittenberg, Germany, Sep 2003.

  7. Sevvana, M., Herbst-Irmer, R and Sheldrick, G. M. Solving non-merohedrally twinned crystals using single wavelength anomalous scattering. 37th  course of International school of Crystallography at Erice, Sicily, 2005.

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