“The best way to learn a concept is to explain it to someone”, these were the golden words, I learnt from my graduate school mentor, Professor George Sheldrick. I believe that teaching is an important aspect of any researcher, be it in a lab or a classroom setting. As a student, I was always inspired by the interplay between physics, chemistry and biology to deduce biological mechanisms on a molecular level. Therefore, with an academic background in biochemistry, molecular virology and biophysics, I would like to invoke interdisciplinary foundations as an instructor.
I taught several structural biology courses and mentored high school, undergraduate and graduate students in Germany.
Institute for Biotechnology, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany (12/2006-06/2016)
(class size of 10-45 undergraduate/graduate students)
1. Molecular Science, Biotechnology, Integrated life sciences students
Course design, Lectures, Lab: “Structural biology and crystallography”
Course design and Lectures: “Crystal structure analysis”
2. Graduate students
Course design and advanced lectures on “Protein crystallography”
Institute of Structural Chemistry, George-August University
and International Max-Planck Research School, Germany (03/2003-06/2006)
(class size of 10-60 undergraduate/graduate students)
1. Teaching Assistant (Tutor for lectures) – “Protein crystallography”
2. Teaching Assistant (Tutor for lectures) – “Structural chemistry”